Today: September 19, 2024
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Culture - Page 3

Oriental Culture

The difference has always been an essential part of knowing the essential essence of the person from which he came and lived all his life grounded in it. There are significant and
May 17, 2022

Learning Languages

Every year the need to learn foreign languages becomes more and more apparent, thanks to globalization, which engulfs all spheres of our life. If ten years ago discovering a foreign language seemed
May 17, 2022

The Phase: Continued

Last time Artyom Fabritsius told us what a “Phase” is. Everything that can be heard about the “Phase” will remain at the level of conversation until, one day, a person accidentally or
April 6, 2022

International Valentine’s Day

Many couples are waiting for February because of Valentine’s Day. The holiday was created in 496 by Pope Gelasius the First, who marked February 14 with the holiday “Valentine’s Day.” Thanks to
March 2, 2022

Financial Unfairness

Why do we still go to school, and especially universities?  In today’s world, most people around the globe still fight to attend school and get certifications, and of course, that is something
March 2, 2022

Snowed In: An Ode to Snow

Snow gets a bad rap for a series of reasons. It gets in your shoes. It is cold. It sweeps the green under a white rug. It is the nagging aunt who
February 4, 2022

New Year – New Me!

Welcome to 2022! Did you make a wish on New Year’s Eve or a list of resolutions? Millions of people worldwide get excited to celebrate the New Year’s because they are ready
February 4, 2022
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