Today: March 14, 2025

Svetlana Boykova

Tips for First-Year Students

Every first-year student worries about enrolling in do not always know what to expect from student life. As a result, students make mistakes due to a lack of experience and lose time
September 24, 2022

Working in a Pub

Most likely, almost every one of you has been to a bar, pub or restaurant. Each of us has his own opinion about how a guest should serve us and what the
September 24, 2022

Learning Languages

Every year the need to learn foreign languages becomes more and more apparent, thanks to globalization, which engulfs all spheres of our life. If ten years ago discovering a foreign language seemed
May 17, 2022

Mixed Martial Arts

Today, perhaps, everyone knows what mixed martial arts are. However, twenty years ago, MMA was beginning its ascent to popularity. The progress in MMA itself is also noteworthy. Perhaps to figure out
May 17, 2022

The Phase: Continued

Last time Artyom Fabritsius told us what a “Phase” is. Everything that can be heard about the “Phase” will remain at the level of conversation until, one day, a person accidentally or
April 6, 2022

International Valentine’s Day

Many couples are waiting for February because of Valentine’s Day. The holiday was created in 496 by Pope Gelasius the First, who marked February 14 with the holiday “Valentine’s Day.” Thanks to
March 2, 2022

Work on campus. Resident Assistant.

While studying at the university, each of you receives emails with job offers on-campus or sees different offers on the university’s websites.  The work of the Resident Assistant includes much more than
February 4, 2022
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